Dear Daughters Loves Mom

Feel Stuck In a Rut? Here’s How to Break Out
Dear Daughters,

Feel Stuck In a Rut? Here’s How to Break Out

You’ve eaten the same things for breakfast every day for three years. You take the same carpool to the same job. Your life is more of the same after work. It’s time to break out of your rut!

“If you feel like you’re stuck in a routine, you probably are,!

Routine isn’t necessarily bad. Routine can be comforting and add structure to your life. But it gets negative when you believe you want something more in your life.

Recognizing you’re in a rut is the first step toward making a change. Taking action is the next step. Make small, easy changes that give quick, positive results. That’s the best way to start. “Add one new thing every day and choose things you like to do!

Any of the following small steps can lead to big changes in your life.

Personal Development

  • Cut the time you spend watching television by an hour a day. Use the extra time for something special. Read a book, take a class, visit a friend, or pursue a hobby.
  • Start a family project, such as planning your next vacation or planting a backyard garden.
  • Fulfill a fantasy. For example, take tap-dancing lessons. Perform at an “open-mike” club. Or join a neighborhood chess club or baseball team.

Better Health

  • Take a walk. Use your lunch break to explore the neighborhood near your workplace. Visit local parks on the weekends. Volunteer to walk a friend’s dog.
  • Vary your workout. Add new challenges by making your workout more interesting, not longer or harder. Switch activities that complement each other, such as swimming and cycling, or aerobic dance and strength training.
  • Explore a new cuisine. Sample local ethnic restaurants. Learn to make low-fat versions of your favorite dishes.
  • Take a healthy vacation. Attend a sports camp or sign up for a bike tour of a national park.

For Fun

  • Play tourist in your own town. Check out a guidebook or ask your visitors bureau for information on local tourist attractions, walking tours, and events.
  • Take your camera with you on daily activities. Look for scenes that would make interesting pictures. It will give you a different eye on your world.
  • Write a letter to someone you haven’t heard from in a while. It might revive a friendship. Writing the letter can also help you clarify your thoughts about your life and work.

Family and Community

  • Ask your children, spouse, or friends to suggest their favorite things to do. Then join in!
  • Volunteer at a nearby hospital, library, or theater group. Start by committing yourself to a single event or project. If you enjoy the work, you can volunteer regularly.

I hope this helps.

As Always,

Love Mom

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