Dear Daughters Loves Mom

Common Emotional Reasoning Examples

Dear Daughters,

What do you do when you’re upset over something? Is it possible for you to keep a clear head while dealing with your feelings and the realities of the situation?  Emotional reasoning is when we rely on our feelings to prove the truth of a claim, despite the fact that the evidence to the contrary points to the contrary. It’s a habit we’ve all developed. However, sometimes emotional reasoning can negatively impact lives. It can hold us back from living our best lives. Thus, being able to identify emotional reasoning is important. This article will give you examples of emotional reasoning. It will help you identify emotional reasoning in your life and those around you.

Do you have thoughts like “I feel guilty, so I must have done something wrong,” “I don’t feel good enough, so I must be worthless,” or “I’m scared, so I must be in a dangerous situation?” are signs of emotional reasoning.

It often goes along with depression and anxiety disorders, because the person thinks that because things feel so bad, they must be bad. They don’t take into account how their emotions affect how they feel.

The Damage

Emotional reasoning can make us feel like we’ve already failed at something before we even try. Letting our emotions control our thoughts is exhausting, and can make us think we’ve already failed before we’ve even started. This can cause people to put things off or even not do them at all. When your emotions take over, you feel like you can’t change even if you try. This makes you less likely to want to change

Common Emotional Reasoning Examples

Emotional reasoning is often misinterpreted. People believe that it’s gut instinct or that they are so in tune with their feelings that they know exactly how things will turn out. So, let’s look at some examples to help you understand.

Emotional Reasoning at Work

Have you ever felt you were unworthy of the work you were doing? Even though no one has mentioned anything about your performance, you feel inadequate being in your position. It will lead to you second-guessing every decision you make. This cautiousness could cause you to lose out on some amazing opportunities.

Another example of emotional reasoning at work is when you have feelings of fear. If you experience fear when your manager offers you a new project, that can’t be good, right? This will cause you to believe that the fear is an indication that you are not capable of handling the project.

Emotional Reasoning at Home

Emotional reasoning can also impact your relationships at home. If you experience jealousy, is it because your emotions tell you that your spouse is cheating? They must be. Why else would you experience such an emotion?

Likewise, if you feel guilty, does that mean you have done something to feel guilty about? It will lead you to question your every action and interaction, trying to figure out what you did wrong.

Emotional Reasoning with self

Emotional reasoning can impact not only your relationship with others, but it can impact your relationship with yourself. You are also in jeopardy. For example, have you ever looked at yourself and felt fat? No one else has mentioned anything about your weight. Your doctors may even give you a perfect bill of health. However, you still feel like you are.

Mental Emotional Reasoning

Feelings of loneliness can also lead to emotional reasoning. You become convinced there is something wrong with you. You are unlovable, and that is why you are alone. It often goes along with depression and anxiety disorders, because the person thinks that because things feel so bad, they must be bad. They don’t take into account how their emotions affect how they feel.

These are just a few common examples of emotional reasoning. In extreme cases, it can be the cause of anxiety disorders and depression. Being able to recognize these thought patterns is the first step to working through them.

How Emotional Reasoning May Be Negatively Impacting You

Emotions are an extremely powerful force. They can affect us physically, and they play a huge part in our daily lives. However, emotions can also impact signs of aging, how we think and why we behave the way we do. For example, people who suffer from anxiety or depression tend to feel unease or discomfort. As a result, these individuals often become overly cautious.

If you want to use your influence to help others, you need to learn how to manage your emotions and understand their effects. If you do not know how to deal with your feelings, you may find yourself unable to handle situations and/or people well. In fact, if your anxiety or fear gets too high, it can even stop you from sleeping at night.

Benefits of Putting Emotions in Their Place

Most people know that emotions play a huge role in making decisions. However, most often, these emotions tend to dominate rational thinking, which can cause problems for all sorts of reasons. Here’s why putting your emotions in their place will benefit you.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to control your emotions and use them positively. If we want to achieve anything, whether it’s being successful at school or having a great career, we need to put our emotions into perspective. For example, if you find yourself getting angry, frustrated, or anxious while dealing with an issue, then you probably aren’t thinking clearly, and you need to work through that problem before you do something else.

Another reason why this is important is that negative emotions can lead to bad decisions. When you feel angry, you will make irrational decisions.

The art of clear thinking!


Emotional reasoning is something we all experience. However, we are not conscious of what it really is. Hopefully, the examples of emotional reasoning in this article will help you see it. Being able to identify it and work through it can change your life for the better.

As Always,

Loves Mom

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