Dear Daughters,
Menopause is the end of your menstrual cycles. It is a natural biological process. Gradually, your body will face several changes during this transition.
Though menopause is totally natural, it can be painful. You can face severe symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and emotional distress.
The symptoms vary from person to person. But here are the most annoying symptoms you may face:
Irregular periods:
The first thing you’ll notice during perimenopause is that your periods are irregular. It is because your body is starting to produce less hormones.
As your hormone levels decrease, ovulation turns unpredictable. Sometimes you have shorter as well as longer periods.
Periods return, stop and again return. It happens for a long time. So, preparing yourself mentally can be challenging.
Hot flashes:
It’s so painful to explain how it feels to have hot flashes. First, your neck gets red, and the temperature suddenly rises. And, you feel as if you’re standing in front of the sun. Hot flashes can occur any time of the day, but mostly at night. Tip, try to wear loose clothes while sleeping. Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol, and spicy food. And, don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
Vaginal dryness:
During menopause, your estrogen levels lower. It causes loss of wetness and thickness in the vagina. which causes vaginal atrophy. And this condition can become an enemy of your sex life. Your doctor may prescribe vaginal moisturizers or lubes to relieve the pain. Regular sexual activity and vaginal stimulation may help you a lot.
Mood changes:
You may experience mood swings, loss of interest in work, and anxiety. You feel fatigue and want to stay alone. As hot flashes cause loss of sleep, you have a high risk of being depressed. Keeping yourself busy can help overcome this symptom.
When is the right time to start Hormone Therapy?
If your symptoms are getting worse day by day, you should seek an expert’s advice. Your doctor may recommend medication.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is helpful to relieve the symptoms of menopause. To replace the lower level of female hormones, this treatment is used.
Your doctor may recommend tablets, patches/implants, or gel as primary cure methods.
What types of tablets
Some doctors may prescribe antidepressants at low doses. To regulate mood swings and hot flashes.
Sertraline, Foluoxetine and Paroxetine are some commonly used. for severe hot flashes, Gabapentin may be used.
Some women have had excellent results with estrogen gel. But patches and implants are also reliable. The implant is inserted under the skin of your buttocks, thigh, or tummy.
Are there effective Herbal Menopause Support Remedies? ”
Maca is one of the greatest herbal supplements for replacing natural estrogen levels in women’s bodies, according to Natural Hormone Replacement Supplements. It works by allowing the body to produce more estrogen on its own, while also increasing progesterone and testosterone levels.
Chaste Berry:
The Chaste Berry Tree has been used to treat premenstrual symptoms, but drinking the tea can also aid perimenopausal women with breast pain (mastodynia) and hot flashes. The plant also boosts progesterone levels, which can help women maintain a healthy estrogen-progesterone balance as they transition from perimenopause to menopause.
Black Cohosh:
Black cohosh is a buttercup-family perennial herb. Its natural habitat is Eastern North America. Native Americans have used it for millennia to alleviate menstruation irregularities, menopause symptoms, and to make childbirth easier, according to records.
How long can you take hormone therapy treatments?
It is recommended to stop taking HRT after you get relief from the symptoms. Research says five years should be the limit. Taking HRT for a long time can lead to illnesses such as breast cancer, and osteoporosis.
So daughters remember that self-care is important. Exercise and a healthy diet may help alleviate the discomfort. Increase the amount of calcium and protein in your diet.
Deep breathing exercises, yoga and plenty of rest can help regulate your body’s rhythm.
As Always,
Love Mom