Dear Daughters, Bedrooms are often seen as the most important room in a house, and for good reason. After all, we spend a third of …
coping tool
Feng Shui Bedroom Colors
Dear Daughters, Choosing bedroom colors can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to consider your personal style, but you also need to …
Improve the Chi, Clean Your Clutter with Feng Shui
Dear Daughters, Chi is the energy that flows through our bodies and minds. It’s considered to be the life force, and it’s important to keep …
How to Get Started Writing a Journal
Dear Daughters, Most people think of writing as a solitary process in peace and privacy. But the truth is, writing can be a very social …
How to Design a Healthier Home Life to Combat Stress
Dear Daughters, Stress is something that we all experience. Most of the time, it is due to work, but it also has other sources. When …
6 Ways To Get Your Mindset Right And Make More Money Using Law Of Attraction!
Dear Daughters, Do you feel rich, secure, and monetarily bountiful? Or then again, do you stress how to make more money that will be enough …
Are You Suffering From Joint Discomfort?

Dear Daughters, You’ve probably heard the term “joint discomfort”, but what exactly does it mean? In this article, we’ll explain what joint discomfort is, some …
I Haven’t Had a Period in a Year, am I in Menopause?
Dear Daughters, Menopause comes from the Greek word, ‘menos,’ meaning month. So, when your monthly period stops – for a long time – its menopause. …