Dear Daughters, When it comes to retirement planning, there are a lot of things you don’t want to do: blow your entire savings on one …
Lifestyle Strategies
Curriculum vitae:Things That Should Be Eliminated From Your Résumé
Dear Daughters, Your curriculum vitae, or CV, is a virtual representation of you and your professional experience. It is almost like a first impression before …
How to Get Started Writing a Journal
Dear Daughters, Most people think of writing as a solitary process in peace and privacy. But the truth is, writing can be a very social …
Emotions and Reason: How what we feel is Balanced
Dear Daughters, We all have a natural bias towards one side of the scale. It can be positive or negative, but you always have a …
How to Design a Healthier Home Life to Combat Stress
Dear Daughters, Stress is something that we all experience. Most of the time, it is due to work, but it also has other sources. When …
Why a Stress-Free Life Is Not Really Hard to Achieve
Dear Daughters, Fighting depression and living a stress-free life can sound like a hard thing for too many people. But there are many things you …
Does keto delay the Menstrual Cycle?

Dear Daughters, In previous articles, we learned about the Keto diet and its effectiveness for women 50 and over. One of my readers asked me …
Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Menopause
Dear Daughters, There will come a time in your life when you start to experience flushes of heat, sensation of dryness in the genital area, …