Dear Daughters, One of the іnѕtrumеntѕ that thе dеvіl uѕеs іn dеѕtrоуіng оur effectiveness fоr the Kіngdоm оf Gоd is dоublе-mіndеdnеѕѕ. Double-mindedness ѕреаkѕ of instability, …
life toxins
Are you a bitter Person? Learn how to Heal from Bitterness

Dear Daughters, Nо оnе wаntѕ to bе bitter. Bitterness іѕ unfоrgіvеnеѕѕ thаt has fermented.Thе mоrе wе hоld onto past hurtѕ thе mоrе wе bесоmе drunk …
Over the counter drugs and your Teen( Teen Awareness Month)
Dear Daughters, Many of us parents incorrectly believe that drug abuse among teens is limited to illegal substances like marijuana or ecstasy. However, a number …
Pregnancy and your Teen( Teen Awareness Month)
Dear Daughters, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teen birth rates fell steeply in the United States from 2007 through 2013, dropping …
Recovering from Child Sexual Abuse
Dear Daughters, child sexual abuse has been at the center of unprecedented public attention during the last decade. All 50 states and the District of …
Information for Parents on Child Sexual Abuse
Dear Daughters, As parents we face a difficult task when teaching children to be aware of their surroundings and potentially dangerous situations. Try as you …
Teen Depression
Dear Daughters, Adolescence is a period of major social, hormonal and emotional change. It is common for teens to be concerned with self-image and become …
Dear Daughters, Dyspareunia is the medical term for pain experienced during sexual intercourse. For both men and women, pain can occur in the pelvic area …