Dear Daughters, Aging is one of the oldest concerns of the human being, and knowing its symptoms and causes helps us understand it …
Mental Health Awareness
Can self-confidence Improve you Outlook on life?
Dear Daughters, Practically all successes and fulfillment in life originate from your capacity to feel sure that you can achieve what you …
“Autogenic Training” A Natural Way to relax
Dear Daughters, According to Wikipedia, Autogenic training is a desensitization-relaxation technique developed by German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz. It is a practice by which physiologically …
What are Soul Ties? How do we get in them and how to get out?
What are Soul Ties? How do we get in them and how to get out? Dear Daughters, A soul tie is a spiritual connection …
How Double Minded Are you?
Dear Daughters, One of the іnѕtrumеntѕ that thе dеvіl uѕеs іn dеѕtrоуіng оur effectiveness fоr the Kіngdоm оf Gоd is dоublе-mіndеdnеѕѕ. Double-mindedness ѕреаkѕ of instability, …
Over the counter drugs and your Teen( Teen Awareness Month)
Dear Daughters, Many of us parents incorrectly believe that drug abuse among teens is limited to illegal substances like marijuana or ecstasy. However, a number …
Pregnancy and your Teen( Teen Awareness Month)
Dear Daughters, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teen birth rates fell steeply in the United States from 2007 through 2013, dropping …
Surviving Child Abuse
Dear Daughters, Child abuse is a serious issue, which may impact an individual throughout his or her life. It is never too late to begin …