
Exchange Emotional Pain for Peace and Prosperity

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $2.99.

Life is full of emotional collisions, dangers, afflictions, and strains. Traumatic experiences can cause our souls to become wounded, and if we don’t listen hard enough, we can get trapped in emotional pain and never break free to see peace.

We can all benefit from self-help books with a solid first-hand root that explains technical terminology into practical advice, and this book falls in that category. But where do you start?

Open the book and start in CHAPTER 1

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Life is full of emotional collisions, dangers, afflictions, and strains. Traumatic experiences can cause our souls to become wounded, and if we don’t listen hard enough, we can get trapped in emotional pain and never break free to see peace.

We can all benefit from self-help books with a solid first-hand root that explains technical terminology into practical advice, and this book falls in that category. But where do you start?

Open the book and start in CHAPTER 1

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