Spiritual Healing


The skills we memorize and the resources we gain in dealing with
these feelings will carry on standing us in good stead with later
experiences of acute emotions of all types.
When going through our healing of wounds we likewise have an
excellent chance to clear our inner ‘file drawers’ where aged,
disregarded, buried matters are stored beside the fresh ones. These
techniques are especially helpful in this respect, enabling us to
decrease the strength of residual notions from old grief along with
new, raw feelings from the fresh ones.
We likewise learn compassion by our own experiences of sufferings.
This is generally acknowledged in the observance that many of the
better caregivers for ill people are themselves injured healers. Closure
isn’t a time or date when you shut the door on your wounded feelings
and feel it no longer.



Past wounds and Grieving about them frequently stops us in
our tracks. The acute hurt, depression, anger, shame and
additional feelings force us into self-contemplations and
introspections that we’d otherwise prevent. This in itself is
mending us, forcing us out of our childhood patterns of
warding off painful emotions and escaping from them.


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