
Healing from Bitterness

(2 customer reviews)

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No one wants to be bitter.  Bitterness is un-forgiveness that festers. As long as we hold onto past hurts we rob ourselves of joy.

We think that holding on to the hurt we can remind ourselves and others of the unfairness we’ve experienced. Sadly, bitterness only helps these feelings take root in our lives.

Something happened to me a short time ago that was very hurtful. It undeniably shattered my heart. I didn’t see it coming, it just occurred. I tried to forgive the person who hurt me by saying the words “I forgive you”, but realized later it wasn’t from my heart.

I really struggled with anger whenever I thought about them. It was only then I realized the power I was giving away to bitterness. At that very moment I asked God for deliverance. It is my hope that you can heal, find deliverance and forgiveness through this book.

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No one wants to be bitter.  Bitterness is un-forgiveness that festers. As long as we hold onto past hurts we rob ourselves of joy.

We think that holding on to the hurt we can remind ourselves and others of the unfairness we’ve experienced. Sadly, bitterness only helps these feelings take root in our lives.

Something happened to me a short time ago that was very hurtful. It undeniably shattered my heart. I didn’t see it coming, it just occurred. I tried to forgive the person who hurt me by saying the words “I forgive you”, but realized later it wasn’t from my heart.

I really struggled with anger whenever I thought about them. It was only then I realized the power I was giving away to bitterness. At that very moment I asked God for deliverance. It is my hope that you can heal, find deliverance and forgiveness through this book.

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